5 Mocktail Recipes to Make at Home

5 mocktail recipes to make at home

Whether you’re participating in Dry Feb, stepping up to be the designated driver, or just taking a break from alcohol, there are plenty of good reasons to mix in a mocktail. Maybe you’re forgoing alcohol in order to feel clean and fresh every morning. Or maybe you’re hoping to give your wallet some much-needed relief.

In many cases, it’s difficult for people to put down the booze. If you think about all the family dinners, work functions and nights together with your friends, you realize alcohol is often the gateway to social activity. At the very least, alcohol acts as a social lubricant. Often, you’re expected to have a drink and questioned if you choose not to.

But the good news is that attitudes towards going alcohol-free are changing. People are becoming more accepting of the fact that regular alcohol consumption probably isn’t great for us, and any chance to save a few bucks is worthwhile these days. Even restaurants, bars and local liquor stores are catching on, offering a tasty selection of non-alcoholic options.

Mocktails are a great solution. You can participate in social gatherings with family, friends and coworkers without having to sacrifice all the fun. Mocktails can be just as fancy and delicious as regular cocktails. Plus, they’re usually cheaper!

In this article, we’ll break down our favourite mocktail recipes for the next time you’re hosting:


Spicy Citrus Mocktail

spicy citrus mocktail

Our first mocktail recipe is sweet, colourful and refreshing with a sizable kick. Here’s what you’ll need for your group of 5-6:

  • 3 oranges
  • 2 limes
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1 cup warm water
  • ½ cup sugar
  • Pinch of salt

To start things off, peel and juice your citrus before blending it all together in a larger pitcher to form one cohesive juice. Be sure to keep half an orange and all your orange rinds – we’ll need those later!

Next, roughly chop half your jalapeno pepper and add it to a saucepan, along with your orange rinds, sugar and salt. Muddle everything together and pour over a half cup of warm water. Then let it marinate for about 30 minutes.

After your orange rind mixture has marinated a while, strain it into your citrus mixture. Then roughly chop your remaining orange and jalapeno and add it to the pitcher. Now all you have to do is serve over ice! Plus, if there are drinkers in the room, you can add a little rum at this point.


Cucumber Cooler

cucumber cooler mocktail

If you’re looking for something truly cool without all the sweetness, the Cucumber Cooler is the perfect choice. With far fewer calories, this drink is light and refreshing. Here’s what you’ll need for a few servings:

  • Soda water
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 3 limes
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • Mint

This mocktail is super simple to make. To begin, you’ll need to finely chop your two cucumbers into thin round slices and roughly chop the mint leaves. Then, in a large pitcher, combine your soda water, cucumber slices, the juice of your limes and mint leaves. The sugar is totally optional, but now would also be the time to throw that in there.

This mocktail is best served chilled, after the ingredients have a chance to mingle, so throw the pitcher in the fridge for a couple hours before serving.


The Mock Mule

the mock mule

The Moscow Mule is a classic cocktail that’s been spun off in all sorts of directions. This Mock Mule version is just as delicious, and without the booze. Here’s what you’ll need for a personal serving:

  • Can of ginger beer
  • 3 oz of citrus flavoured seltzer or soda water
  • 1 piece of candied ginger
  • Lime
  • Bonus: special Mule cup!

The special copper mug really completes this drink, so if you have one, grab it. If you don’t have one and you’re a Mule fan, now you know what to put on your Christmas list.

To start, throw some ice (preferably crushed) in your copper mug and pour over almost the full can of ginger beer, or roughly 6 ounces. Next, find your favourite soda water or seltzer and pour that in too. Flavoured soda water works great for a low sugar option – but whatever you decide on, lemon or lime flavours are ideal.

Then, mix up your drink and slice up your candied ginger and lime for garnish. The Mock Mule is served!


The Green Machine

the green machine mocktail

For the slightly more health conscious, the Green Machine is a delicious mocktail made with fruits and vegetables. Plus, its green colour gives is the unmistakable appearance of good health. Here’s what you’ll need for you plus a few friends:

  • Handful of celery
  • 2 Granny Smith apples
  • 2 limes
  • Zero proof bubbly
  • 1 bunch parsley

To make this mocktail, the prep starts a few days in advance for maximum flavour. To kick things off, wash, de-root and trim your celery stocks before slicing. If you have a juicer, throw the celery in there but if not, a blender will suffice. Also add your parsley and roughly chopped green apples. Once the mixture is juiced, cover it and leave it in the fridge for a few days.

After a few days is up, the flavours of the juice will be fully released and ready to drink. All you have to do is pour into glasses, top with zero proof bubbly and garnish with a little leftover celery.


Tropical Mock Margaritas

tropical mock margaritas

For our final mocktail recipe, we’re going big and bold. This tropical mocktail margarita is full of fresh fruit and flavour, and can be taken to the next level with blended ice. Here’s what you’ll need for a party of four:

  • 1 mango
  • 1 cup pineapple
  • Ice
  • Soda water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

To start, dice up your fruit into rough pieces and throw them into the blender along with the ice. Then add your soda water (preferably lemon or lime flavour) and sugar. If you can, blend the mixture until it reaches the consistency of a slushy.

To help you reach that desired texture, continue to add either ice or soda water until you’re satisfied. Once the mixture is smooth, you’re ready to serve!


Need ingredients for your mocktails? Head to your local Springs Group liquor store for ginger beer, soda waters, bitters, flavourings and more.