Springs Group is a proud partner of the Vancouver Canucks, and with that we are thrilled to offer a chance to win a sweet Canucks jersey
Drop by any of 10 participating Springs Group locations and drop your name in the hopper. As an added bonus, get take advantage of these killer deals on cases of Budweiser during all Canucks game days!
- Buy one 15 can case of Bud and get $2 off.
- Buy two 15 can cases of Bud and get $5 off.
- Buy one 24 can case of Bud and get $2 off.
Fine Print
ENJOY RESPONSIBLY. †NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. MUST BE 19 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND A RESIDENT OF CANADA (EXCLUDING QUEBEC). There is 1 prize available to be won at each participating Berezan Liquor Store consisting of one Canucks Jersey, the “Grand Prize”. Alcohol is not included in prize. Item may not appear as shown. Contest provider reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or lesser value. Approx. retail value $500CAD. Contest start date, October 1 2017. Contest closes October 31, 2017. Contest draw date: November 8th, 2017. ®/MD Anheuser-Busch, LLC. Budweiser is not an official sponsor of the NHLTM or any other hockey league, or any participating hockey federations. This campaign is not licensed by, sponsored by, or otherwise associated with the National Hockey League™, any other hockey league, or any of their respective member teams.